Orchestration Side Panels
    • 03 Mar 2024
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    Orchestration Side Panels

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    Article summary

    <Early Access Feature>

    The Orchestration Workspace offers two right-click side panels:

    • Policy side panel: available when you click on a Policy in the Vendor Policies tab.
    • Objects side panel: available when you click on an Object in the Objects tab

    Policy Side Panel

    To access the Policy side panel, click on a Policy on the Vendor Policies tab. At the top of the side panel are the following:

    • Policy Name
    • Dark/Light theme slider enabling you to change the visual display for the panel.
    • Deploy Suggested Policy deploys the suggested Policy back to the third-party vendor.
    • Collapse All/Expand All, collapses or expands all sections in the panel to make it easier to focus on a specific section.

    The Close button is located in the lower right corner. This closes the side panel, returning you to the main Orchestration Workspace screen.


    The side panel is divided into two main areas, providing a side-by-side view of the:

    • Suggested Policy representing the Policy in the target system language. This shows how the Policy would look in the Vendor's language. The Suggested Policy can also be viewed as a visual representation in the Policy Map and in code view as well.
    • Deployed Policy representing the Policy as it is currently deployed in the third-party vendor Tenant.

    Discrepancies Between Left and Right Sides

    When in Learn mode, Polices are created in the third-party vendor application and represented in the Platform. Therefore, there should be no discrepancies.

    When working in Manage mode, you are able to create and edit Policies in both the third-party vendor application and in the Platform.

    There are a few instances that might case a discrepancy between the Suggested Policy, the Policy located in the Platform, and Deployed Policy, the Policy that exists in the third-party vendor application.

    Following are the discrepancies you might see and how you can resolve them.

    Status: There is a Suggested Policy but the Deployed Policy side is not displaying any Policy. This incidates that a Policy was created in the Authorization Platform but was not deployed to the vendor side.

    Solution: Click Deploy Suggested Policy. When you refresh the screen, the Policy will appear in both sides, showing that the Policy is now deployed on the vendor side.


    Status: The Policy was changed on the Platform side but has not yet been deployed to the vendor side. You will notice a difference in the syntax of the code. For example, if you added an Asset or an Identity, this Object will exist on the Suggested Policy side but not on the Deployed side.

    Solution: Click Deploy Suggested Policy.

    Status: You deleted a Policy in the Platform and but the Poliy still exists on the Vendor side. In this case, the deployed Policy will appear in the Deployed Policy side but the Suggested Policy side is empty and a message will indicate that no Policy can be suggested.


    • Delete the Policy from the vendor side, click Deploy Suggested Policy.
    • Return the Policy to the Authorization Platform, close the right side panel and in the Orchestration Workspace, click Discover Now.

    Objects Side Panel

    The information displayed in the side panel when you click on an Object is vendor-specific. For more details, see the SaaS Policy Management Authorizers

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