IDP WebHook
    • 01 Sep 2024
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    IDP WebHook

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    Article summary

    PlainID offers an IDP Authorizer integration pattern for this third-party vendor. For more information, see IDP Authorizers.

    The PlainID IDP Webhook enables IDP Token Enrichment, by dynamically enriching the IDP JWT with claims from the PlainID PDP response. After the IDP generates a JWT token allowing the user to log in, it reaches out to the Authorization Platform, requesting an authorization response to its query. The token is enriched with the decision based on organization-defined criteria such as which users (WHO) can access the specified Asset (WHAT) according to specific Conditions (WHEN). The JWT is enriched with this information and returned to the application, which then ALLOWS or DENIES the user access based not only on the identification of the user (for example password or user name) but also the rules and conditions defined in the organization's Authorization Policies.

    This session-based enriched token provides several benefits to the organization. First and foremost is the seamless nature of the interaction between the user who wishes to log in to the Application, and the IDP, which needs to allow access based on specific Policies. These Policies are agnostic, meaning that the user (and even the Application itself) does not need to interact with (or even be aware of) the Platform's role in implementing the organization's Authorization requirements.

    Token Enrichment Workflow Example

    1. User requests to log into the Online Bank Portal.
    2. The organization's Online Bank Portal application receives the login requests and sends a query to the IDP. 
    3. The IDP sends a query to the PlainID IDP Webhook, which in turn queries the Policy Decision Point (PDP). Claims with the required values are then returned to the PlainID Webhook, which enriches the JWT token and returns it to the organization's IDP.
    4. The enriched JWT is returned to the Application, which uses the information in the enriched token to either approve or deny access to the Application.

      PAA Prerequisites

      • A Policy Authorization Agent must be installed and running.
      • An Application must be defined.
        • Associate an Asset Type that manages the Claims with the Application
          • With the associated Scope (Client ID + ClientSecret) (this information is used to define the Hook in the IDP
          • claimKey and claimValue Attributes must be defined.
      • A Policy must be defined and the Application associated to it.
      • IDP Prerequisites: 
        • Existing application
        • At least 1 user associated with the application in the IDP
        • Rule (Access Policy Rule)
          ### Platform Prerequisites / Pre-Conditions
      • Existence of the following building blocks:
        • Claims Asset Type With the following attributes:
      Attribute NameAttribute PropertiesNotes
      claimKeyName for request = claimKeyMust
      claimValueName for request= claimValueMust
      • At least 1 asset defined (Internal/PlainId manager asset), e.g.:
      Asset nameclaimKeyclaimValue
      Portal AdministratorclaimPortalRoleAdministrator
      Senior Department ManagerdepartmentManagerLevelSenior
      • Identity Attributes
        • The Name for request must match the name of the attribute in the source
      • Optional - Add/Define Asset Type Rulesets
      • Define an Application
        • Associate the “Claims” Asset Type with the Application
        • With the associated Scope (ClientID + ClientSecret)
        • This will be used to define the Hook in the IDP
      • Define a Policy
        • Associate the Application

      IDP Prerequisites

      • Existing application
      • At least 1 user associated with the application in the IDP
      • Inline Hook Okta or Rule Auth0

      IDP Webhook in the Policy Authorization Agent

      IDP Webhook Setup in the Policy Authorization Agent - For Kubernetes (Helm)


      If upgrading your PAA (Versions 5.2410 and above), ensure that your custom-values.yaml is updated according to the changes in configuration listed in the code block below. Note that your idp-webhook is enabled.

      Add the following section to the values-custom.yaml
      Note: In the example below we have 2 IDP Application configurations (“Bank Portal” and “Loans Approval”)

        enabled: true
        replicaCount: 1
      # Allows you to add any config files to /app/config
              format: json
              level: trace
              port: 8080
                jwtBearerActive: false
                jwtIgnoreVerification: true
              port: ${MANAGEMENT_PORT:8081}
              name: idp-webhook
              - Bank Portal:
                  clientid: PPWZYCOMXGNTHMGO8CIT
                  clientsecret: 94syzfIOJI48pfFRAPt6BbjA7HdlbdAY74gnWVrX
                  entitytype: User
                  tokentype: identity
                  includeIdentity: true
                  userid: $
                    plainid: $.response[*].access[?(@.resourceType == "assetExternal")].path
                    FirstName_identity: $.identity.attributes.first_name
              - Loan Approval:
                  clientid: PXY8GCMDLPKSNAFDAA7A
                  clientsecret: U4kt3WL2vZytHqB4oseSAWePGeS7p1JxIO0Bpas1
                  entitytype: User
                  tokentype: identity
                  includeIdentity: false
                  userid: $
                    plainid: $.response[*].access[?(@.resourceType == "portal-permissions")].path
                    FirstName_identity: $.identity.attributes.lastName
            secret: KQaIAMeiCfCQ02mdiVxxcJpKuvlWEG3GokoHtcmlaIqhvF4lxYPrL_B8UEoBl4FA
              uri: /api/runtime/token/v3
              tenantPattern: "http://[tenant]-runtime.runtime"
              listenport: "8010"
              timeout: 3s

      Applications Parameters Information

      Application NameThe IDP Client name - must be an exact match
      clientidPlatform Scope Client ID
      clientSecretPlatform Scope Client Secret
      entitytypeThe Identity Type (default User)
      tokentypeWhich token will be used to return the claims:
      - Identity [Default]
      - Access
      includeIdentityRequest the PDP to include the Identity Attributes in the response
      Notice: In order to map identity attributes, the includeIdentity must be set to true
      useridThe JSON path to the user id
      Default $
      claimsList of claims and the corresponding JSONPath mappings from the Platform PDP Response

      General Parameters

      secretsecretThis Secret is used to allow the IDP to authenticate with the IDP Webhook endpoint
      log.levelError<http://plainid-paa-uk.local>The server K8s svc IP
      runtime.uri/api/runtime/token/v3Static value
      runtime.listenport8080The port that the IDP Webhook service will be listening to

      Mapping the PlainID Policy Decision Response to Claims

      Sample JSON Path Expressions:

      $.response[*].access[?(@.resourceType == "ProfileInformation")].attributes.BUGet the Business Unit (BU) code from the ProfileInformation assets included in the PDP Response
      $.response[*].access[?(@.resourceType == "Accounts")].pathGet the asset id (path) from the Accounts Asset Type assets included in the PDP Response
      $.response[*].access[?(@.resourceType == "InternalIDP")].attributes.AttText[*]Get a multi-value set of attributes from the InternalIDP Asset Type assets included in the PDP Response
      $.identity.attributes.user_roleGet the user_role attribute  from the identity included in the PDP Response
      Notice: To map identity attributes, the includeIdentity must be set to true

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