Policy Resolution Response Structure
    • 01 Sep 2024
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    Policy Resolution Response Structure

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    Article summary

    Following is an example of the Policy Resolution response structure:

    class PolicyResolutionResponse {
         * http status code as received from policy resolution runtime
        int statusCode;
         * Response body as received from policy resolution runtime
        String body;
         * Response headers as received from policy resolution runtime
        Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<>();
         * Map of restrictions by table full name
        Map<String, Restrictions> restrictions = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
    class Restrictions {
        Set<ConditionField> conditionFields;
        Set<String> allowedColumns;
        Set<String> deniedColumns;
        Map<String, Column> columns;
         * Condition in SQL-like format
         * i.e. (([[roleId]] > 0) AND ([[balance]] < 1000))
        private String condition = "";
    public class Column {
        String fullTableName;
        String name;
        String maskAs;
    class ConditionField {
         * Name of field
        String name;
         * type of field, like 'NUMERIC', 'STRING'
        String type;

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