Java Data Access SDK
    • 01 Sep 2024
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    Java Data Access SDK

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    Article summary


    The PlainID Data Access SDK is a library that can be used to easily integrate the PlainID's Externalized Authorization capabilities into your applications. The SDK exposes the following PlainID Policy Decision Point Functionality:

    • Resolution Decision - Used to evaluate and enforce PlainID Data Access Policies


    • Java 1.8+


    Manual Installation of the SDK JAR into a Local Maven Repository

    1. Use the following command:
    mvn install:install-file -Dfile=plainid-pdp-sdk-0.0.4.jar -DgroupId=com.plainid -DartifactId=plainid-pdp-sdk -Dversion=0.0.4 -Dpackaging=jar
    1. Now, add the dependency to your Maven project by adding the following lines to your pom.xml file:

    Adding the SDK JAR Directly to the Dependency as a System Scope

    Make sure that the JAR is located in <PROJECT_ROOT_FOLDER>/lib, and add the dependency to your pom.xml file:


    Usage Example

    Configure the PDP Authentication

    import com.plainid.pdp.sdk.resolution.request.v3.AuthConfig;
    AuthConfig config = AuthConfig.builder()

    Configure the Request Parameters

    import com.plainid.pdp.sdk.resolution.v3.request.ResolutionRequestParams;
    final ResolutionRequestParams requestParams = ResolutionRequestParams.builder()
            .environment("key1", Arrays.asList("val1", "val2"))
            .contextData("key", Arrays.asList("string"))
            .entityAttributes("key", Arrays.asList("string1", "string2"))
                    .assetAttributes("key1", Arrays.asList("string", true, 3))
            .timestamp(new Date())

    AppEnforcerProperties - configuration on how to read and parse the resolution response.

    It is possible to use either the default values, or override them by adding resolutionAttributes:

    import com.plainid.pdp.sdk.client.v3.parser.ResolutionProperties;
    final AppEnforcerProperties enforcerProperties = AppEnforcerProperties.builder()

    Call the Client

    import com.plainid.pdp.sdk.client.v3.PolicyResolutionClient;
    import com.plainid.pdp.sdk.client.v3.PolicyResolution;
    import com.plainid.pdp.sdk.resolution.response.v3.PolicyResolutionResponse;
    PolicyResolutionClient client = new PolicyResolutionClient(config, "https://<host>:<port>");
    // With default AppEnforcerProperties
    PolicyResolution policyResolution = client.getPolicyResolutionInstance();
    // Or with overriden AppEnforcerProperties:
    PolicyResolution policyResolution = client.getPolicyResolutionInstance(appEnforcerProperties);
    PolicyResolutionResponse PolicyResolutionResponse = policyResolution.getPolicyResolution(requestParams);

    Or with overriding default values for AppEnforcerProperties:

    PolicyResolution policyResolution = client.getPolicyResolutionInstance(appEnforcerProperties);
    PolicyResolutionResponse PolicyResolutionResponse = policyResolution.getPolicyResolution(requestParams);

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