Available Translator Properties for JDBC
    • 21 May 2023
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    Available Translator Properties for JDBC

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    Article summary

    Available Translator Properties for JDBC

    DatabaseTimeZoneThe time zone of the database. Used when fetching date, time, or timestamp values. The system default time zone
    DatabaseVersionThe specific database version. Used to further tune pushdown support.

    The base supported version or the version derived from the DatabaseMetadata.getDatabaseProductVersion string. Automatic detection requires a Connection.

    If there are circumstances where you are getting an exception from capabilities being unavailable (most likely due to an issue obtaining a Connection), then set DatabaseVersion property.

    Use the JDBCExecutionFactory.usesDatabaseVersion() method to control whether your translator requires a connection to determine capabilities.

    TrimStringsTrue to trim trailing whitespace from fixed length character strings. Note that the service only has a string, or varchar, type that treats trailing whitespace as meaningful. false
    UseBindVariablesTrue indicates that PreparedStatements should be used and that literal values in the source query should be replaced with bind variables. If false only LOB values will trigger the use of PreparedStatements. true
    UseCommentsInSourceQuery This will embed a leading comment with session/request id in the source SQL for informational purposes. Can be customized with the CommentFormat property. false

    MessageFormat string to be used if UseCommentsInSourceQuery is enabled.

    Available properties:

     0 - session id string

     1 - parent request id string

     2 - request part id string

     3 - execution count id string

    4 - user name string

    5 - vdb name string

    6 - vdb version integer

    7 - is transactional boolean

    MaxPreparedInsertBatchSizeThe max size of a prepared insert batch. 2048

    Struct retrieval mode can be one of

    OBJECT - getObject value returned

    COPY - returned as a SerialStruct

    ARRAY - returned as an Array



     EnableDependentJoinsFor sources that support temporary tables (DB2, Derby, H2, HSQL 2.0+, MySQL 5.0+, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQLServer, Sybase) allow dependent join pushdown false

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