Learn and Manage Modes
    • 19 Jun 2024
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    Learn and Manage Modes

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    Article summary

    In the Orchestration Workspace, you can work in Learn mode or in Manage mode. Based on the mode you select, different responses can be expected. In both modes, Discovery can be initiated by clicking Discover Now. Note that the objects and policies discovered are often unique to the third party vendor type you are mapping to the Platform.

    Learn Mode

    In Learn mode, Policies and Objects can be identified in the third-party vendor and represented in the Orchestration Workspace (as well as in the Identity and Authorization Workspaces). However, you can not edit Policies in the Orchestration Workspace while in Learn mode.

    When using Learn mode, you can still edit a Policy in the third-party vendor and then initiate a new Discovery that will identify changes to the Policy and implement those changes in the Platform. It is important to note that until you initiate another Discovery, there will be a discrepancy between a Policy edited in the third-party vendor tenant and the Policy defined in the Platform.

    Manage Mode

    In Manage mode, you can not only see the results of the Discovery as in the Learn mode, you can also create or edit Policies in the Platform. Viewing the Policy in the Platform is the preferred working method because the Platform offers key advantages including the ability to:

    • View the Policy in the Policy Map, which provides a visual representation of the Policy and the Objects used to create it.
    • View the Policy as code, using the Platform's structured Rego.
    • Deploy back edited changes in the Platform to syncrhonize the Policy on the third-party vendor tenant.

    Switching between Modes

    You can switch between Learn mode and Manage mode on the Settings screen of the POP.

    To switch between Learn and Manage Mode:

    1. In the Orchestration Workspace, locate the POP for which you want to switch modes. Click the three vertical dots and select Settings. A side panel opens with the POP Details displayed.
    2. In the Orchestration Settings area, select the Mode. Options are Learn or Manage.
    3. After changing the mode, click Save.

    After changing the mode, you should test the connection by clicking the Test Connection button.

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