  • 27 Dec 2023
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Article summary

API Client Credentials Introduction

API Client Credentials are used to authorize Management APIs in the Authorization Platform. To use these APIs, the request must be authenticated and authorized with the relevant permissions.

  • Tenant Admins have permissions to manage all Environments and Workspaces within their Tenant.
  • Environment Admins or Viewers can manage or view content within a specific Environment and the Environment's Workspace.

Permissions granted using this API differs from Environment Permissions granted for traditional IDP accounts, where Environment Admin and Workspace Admin Permissions are separated. When creating a Client at the Environment level, Environment Admin Permissions will also include Workspace Admin Permissions.

PlainID exposes an Authorization endpoint which provides an Access Token that should be sent as an Authorization Header Bearer Token in a Management API call. This endpoint validates the credentials and generates an Access Token reflecting the internal PlainID roles according to the permissions set for the client.


  • A Client ID and Client Secret from the Authorization Platform Tenant or Environment Settings.

To create an API Client Credential in the UI, refer to API Client Credentials for Tenants or API Client Credentials for Environment Admins or Viewers.

To get an Access Token, refer to the [Get Access Token API].({target=_blank}.

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