Working with the PlainID Docker Hub
    • 07 Jul 2024
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    Working with the PlainID Docker Hub

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    Article summary

    PlainID uses a private Docker Hub to manage and maintain images required for deployments. PlainID provides users with the PlainID Docker Hub permissions, enabling them to authenticate and receive access to images while processing the installation.
    Refer to your organization's relevant deployment procedures to ensure that an authentication process is added and executed accurately.

    Standalone Deployment

    Authentication to the PlainID Docker Hub Private Repository is not required for the Standalone Deployment.

    Account Permissions

    Before starting the process, ensure you have an account with permissions to pull PlainID images from our Docker Hub. If you do not have permissions, create a Docker Hub account and contact PlainID Support to acquire the relevant permissions for the private repository.

    Helm Installation

    For Customers deploying using the out of the box Helm installation, follow the steps below to create an image pull secret and place it in the relevant Kubernetes namespace:

    1. Create an Image Pull Secret.
    2. In the values-custom.yaml file, add the following properties and replace the my-image-pull-secret with your own:
      - name: "my-image-pull-secret"

    These properties can also be found in the examples/values-custom.image-pull-secrets.yaml file in the PAA Helm Chart.

    Optional: If deploying the Redis container image preconfigured in the PlainID Helm Chart instead of using a managed Redis solution, we recommend adding the configuration block below to enable authenticated users to pull the image. This helps avoid pull rate limits associated with unauthenticated users.

          - "my-image-pull-secret"
          - "my-image-pull-secret"
        - name: "my-image-pull-secret"
    1. Deploy or redeploy the PAA Helm Chart or Kubernetes YAML files as needed.

    Kubernetes YAML Files Without a Helm Chart

    Customers deploying using Kubernetes deployment YAML files without a Helm Chart, follow the Helm Installation Image Pull Secrets instructions and include it in the relevant Kubernetes deployments/pods:

    • theruntime
    • pip-operator
    • agent
    • secrets-mgmt
    • idp-webhook

    Code sample:

    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      name: plainid-paa-agent
            - name: "my-image-pull-secret"
            - name: agent
              image: plainid/agent:5.2423.4

    Private Repositories

    Customers deploying through their organization’s private repositories are required to prefetch the relevant images and store them in a repository of their choice. Authenticate to the PlainID private repository to pull images from the PlainID Docker Hub and ensure that you have an automated process set up to facilitate access to the PlainID Docker Hub and download images to your organization's private repository.

    Legal Notice

    PlainID’s proprietary software images and any other PlainID Intellectual Property (“IP”) should be stored solely on the organization’s private repository. The use of any public repository for PlainID’s IP is strictly forbidden.

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